Unlocking knowledge, Empowering Minds!!!!!

Our blog is a space to students, teachers, researchers and everybody that`s concerned about a way to teach and learn reflecting at the same time.
Reflection in action!!!!!


Quem sou eu

Minha foto
We are a group of students, teachers and researchers who cares about how people learn and teach a second language (especially English), in the digital environment.

segunda-feira, 8 de novembro de 2010

What could challange you?

Professor Dr. Vera Menezes, in one of her papers about Technologies and Second Language Teaching,  expresses some of the challenging that school, teachers and students are facing. Supported by Healey (2009), the researcher says that:

“Os propósitos dos parâmetros para os professores são: reconhecer a importância de se integrar à tecnologia no ensino; saber o que se espera deles em termos de conhecimento, habilidades e de implementação de currículo; entender a necessidade de aprendizagem continuada em suas carreiras profissionais; e ser desafiado a alcançar um nível maior de proficiência no uso da tecnologia na docência”.

In your point of view and according to your experience, what could the University do to challenge students in order to achieve and improve his/her technology proficiency for the teaching career?

Give you opinion, it can be very useful!!

Oliveira e Paiva, Vera Lúcia Menezes de -  A tecnologia na docência em Línguas Estrangeiras: convergências e tensões. Available online: http://www.veramenezes.com/endipe.pdf

Some research findings!!!

This blog was a virtual space where a group of students worked collaboratively in order to discuss about lots of interesting questions related to English learning and teaching process. It was also part of a Master Degree research project from the Applied Linguistics Department of UFMT (Federal University of Mato Grosso- Brazil). Here you can download and read a dissertation text written by Ana Regina Bresolin, oriented by Dr. Danie Marcelo de Jesus, in 2011.