Talking about methods, methodologies and different approaches during the Second language teaching-learning process, Oliveira (2009, p. 145) believes that “ao criar seu próprio “método”, o professor deixa de ser um “técnico passivo” e passa a ser um “praticante reflexivo””. The author has found in Dewey (1997, p.13) another positive example, when an English teacher, facing a real class, observes what have happened and not just follow a previous curriculum. This teacher him/herself, in their opinion, is reflecting about the context and planing his/her own method.
Do you think a teacher can improve the classes organizing “his/her own method”?
What could be the do`s and don`ts for a teacher like this?
What’s the importance of being a reflective teacher?
OLIVEIRA, Adelaide P. de (2009). “Abordagens alternativas no ensino de inglês”. In: Diógenes Cândido de Lima (org.). Ensino Aprendizagem de língua inglesa: conversas com especialistas. São Paulo: Parábola Editorial, p. 141-149.
DEWEY, J. How do we think. Mineola; Dover, 1997.