Unlocking knowledge, Empowering Minds!!!!!

Our blog is a space to students, teachers, researchers and everybody that`s concerned about a way to teach and learn reflecting at the same time.
Reflection in action!!!!!


Quem sou eu

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We are a group of students, teachers and researchers who cares about how people learn and teach a second language (especially English), in the digital environment.

sábado, 4 de setembro de 2010

What are your goals?


   At UESB (Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia) the Literature and Foreign Languages teachers created a Center for Autonomy Second Language Learning, called CAALE (Centro de Aprendizagem Autônoma de línguas Estrangeiras- www.uesb.br/caale).  

   Cruz is a specialist and observing if that center, that was equipped 3 rooms, with computers and specially reading material, was able to develop autonomy students found out that the creation of a center itself couldn’t provide the students the ability of being autonomous. Therefore, the teachers should help the students in many ways, such as identifying their needs, encouraging them to develop the target-language using a specific biography, or using the center resources, like listening to music, singing, reading and also, helping them to plan the activities, so they can visualize their efforts results.

While you are blogging here with us, you are also learning English and how to teach it. So, we would like to propose a quick exercise. Let’s make a list about:

1-Your needs: what do you need to learn in a short, medium and in a long period of time?

2-Your goals: what are your goals about the English Language in a short, medium and in a long period of time?

10 comentários:

  1. In to my mind I think that for me end also to most of the student of language English what we need in first is to lose the fair and the shame of making mistake, in second we need always ask to help to friend or teacher for help us and third to provide of time to practice the language.
    My goal is to learn the sufficient English to be a good teacher.

  2. Hello!!
    My main goal is to be fluent, but I think it's will take a long time.
    I have to learn English because I intent to be a teacher.

  3. In a short period of time: to add to my vocabulary, listening more songs in English, ride more texts in English.
    ---In a medium period of time:To improvement my speaking, doing simple presentations in English.
    ---A long period of time: to talk with other peoples only in English.

    ---In a short period of time:
    A short period of time:My goal in a short period of time is to begin small dialogues in english out of the class.

    My goal in a medium period of time is to finish my course of english by letter that i begun in 2008!

    And my goal in a long a period of time is to be fluence in english and to teach english!


  4. I think I need a little more effort and dedication to learning English. in an attempt to learn English I love to listen to music and translate the lyrics of these songs. My long term goal is to acquire fluency in English.

  5. Hello!!!
    To be quite honest I need to learn English language all days, because I'm not native and I always need to learn new things.
    I'd just like to say that my goal about the English language is to live a short time in any place that English as mother tongue as Africa for to check my knowledge that I acquire at University. I think that all teacher must have this experience.

  6. We have to spend time studying, doesn't matter if I'm studying Portuguese or English.

    And, to be sincere, I really love to study English, but I do prefer to study/teach Portuguese. Wanna use "my English" to travel abroad and "discover" the world.

  7. I need immediate rely more on what I already know, then purchase more vocabulary and finally achieve improve everything and spend the best for my future students.
    Camilla Nobre Santana.

  8. I need to devote more time to the acquisition of English as a second language. Although I like the English do not intend to teach in that area. My biggest goal is to interact in the University itself and in the future to know and absorb the most of English speaking countries who want to know.

  9. I need to extend my vocabulary and talk more in English inside and outside the classroom. My main goal is being fluent. Also, within three years I want to be prepared to teach English with competence, doing my best during the classes and learning new things every day about this language.

  10. My main goal is to speak english fluently one day


Some research findings!!!

This blog was a virtual space where a group of students worked collaboratively in order to discuss about lots of interesting questions related to English learning and teaching process. It was also part of a Master Degree research project from the Applied Linguistics Department of UFMT (Federal University of Mato Grosso- Brazil). Here you can download and read a dissertation text written by Ana Regina Bresolin, oriented by Dr. Danie Marcelo de Jesus, in 2011.